About Us

About Us

About Us

TheBNi Global was established to create network and investment opportunities among members and participants. TheBNI Global offers valuable opportunities for members to build their brands through a series of our start-up meetings, networking their businesses through multiple contacts in different geographical regions of the world creating an enabling investment environment for the investor. People in the mentioned categories can feel comfortable speaking to local business in different geographical locations in the world. TheBNI Global provides members with services, expertise, advice, business contacts, and potential partners.

How to join us

You may be able to join us through any of the following pathways

  1. Investors looking to investing in startup businesses
  2. Young entrepreneurs with business ideas looking forward to meeting up with established entrepreneurs
  3. Speakers and resourceful personnel with potential business opportunities in Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Europe, North America, and South America.
  4. Established businessmen looking to work on their growth strategies and expand their business horizons
  5. Organisations that are responsible for business growth in any of the following: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Europe, North America, and South America.

The meetings include introductions, one to ones, member’s presentations and business advice sections. You will need to fill a form online

Mission & Vision

Our Vision

To produce global development opportunities through business enablement.

Connect like-minded entrepreneurs, traders, investors, and resource personnel.

Our Mission

  1. Provide an enabling environment for business to grow and prosper from start-up
  2. Provide investors and young entrepreneurs with investment and growth opportunities and a viable international environment to do business.
  3. Provide a channel where investors and entrepreneurs can meet to undertake potential business transactions.
  4. Develop and grow long-standing business relationships between the members and the network.

Our Values

  1. Build businesses with honesty, and trusted business relationships among the members
  2. Work together and achieve our growth potential.